Underground relocations and workplaces
In order to relocate parts of the German air armaments industry underground the National Socialist regime planned a total of six bomb-proof bunker facilities. The main purpose of the semi-subterranean bunkers was to function as production bases for entire series of aircraft. It was planned that up to 10,000 persons per works and per shift would produce a total of some 300 aircraft each month.
Three of the large identical structural bunker projects were begun in the area around Landsberg am Lech. They were given the code names, “Diana II”, “Walnuß II” and “Weingut II”. The discovery of gravel strata resulted in the “Jägerbauten” being located more closely together than had been planned.

Organisation Todt (OT) was responsible for the construction sites. Under the code name, “Wood Pigeon” they set up senior site management to supervise the project and appointed Erich Wirth as manager and Rudolf Neuhaus as his deputy. In addition to the OT members, civilian construction workers also worked in the construction sites, but the majority of the workers were concentration camp prisoners, supplied by the SS.