Death march memorial
At the end of 1945, a few days before the arrival of American soldiers, the Jewish concentration camp prisoners of the Landsberg/Kaufering sub-camp complex were evacuated towards the Dachau concentration camp and from there further southwards.
During the endless days of the march, the “death march”, an unknown number of men, women and children perished. Many died of physical exhaustion and disease. The SS guards drove the concentration camp prisoners onwards. Anyone who collapsed or attempted to escape was shot or beaten.

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This was often the way that the inhabitants of the towns and villages, through which the death march passed, came into direct contact with the concentration camp system for the first time.
In 1994, a memorial for the victims of the death march was erected on Neuen Bergstrasse in Landsberg – a bronze casting with the inscription: “At the end of April 1945, the trail of suffering of Jewish prisoners of the Landsberg/Kaufering concentration camp command passed this spot on the way to Dachau.”
Every year, the town of Landsberg and the market district of Kaufering mark the International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust on 27 January with the laying of a wreath.